There are a number of ways by which we spoil our clothes even if we take care of them as everyone else does. Sometimes, this might be unknown to us and which causes our clothes to have a short shelf-life, if you will.
So, if you prize your wardrobe, here are 4 ways to prevent your clothes being ruined:
#1: Using Wire Hangers
Using wire hangers can warp the shape of your clothes especially for heavier fabrics. Felt hangers are preferred for a number of reasons: First, they don’t leave a point in your clothes. Second, they have sufficient grip to hang thin and silky fabrics. Third, since they’re thinner than plastic, you can fit more clothes into your closet.
#2: Hang Your Sweaters Like Normal Shirts
The problem with hanging sweaters like shirts is that with heavier sweaters, gravity will stretch both the neck and shoulders. Given the situation where you don’t have any drawer space, it’s best to fold them and then place them in a hanger.
#3: Dry-Clean Your Clothes Too Often
Dry cleaning your clothes too often can weaken the fabrics. In the case where the tags say ‘dry-clean’ only, then you should take it to the cleaners. Otherwise, clothes that are made out of polyester, nylon and cashmere fabrics, hand washing it and laying it flat to dry is the best course of action.
#4: Machine-Wash & Dry Your Swimsuits
Doing this will cause the fabric to pill and dye to fade. Avoid doing unless you really need to use a washer and dryer. Instead, hand wash your swimsuits in tap water along with detergent while laying them out flat to dry.