Shoes that might feel cozy can turn out to be the opposite just after you wear it once or for a week. Unfortunately, very few stores will allow for customers to return these worn shoes.
There could be a couple of issues with this, namely the fit or the material or construction of the shoes.
Having said that, here are 3 fixes for the most common shoe problems:
#1: Sweaty Feet
Wearing shoes that are too small can cause blisters too. It’s advised that it’s best to buy shoes at the end of the day when your feet are swollen and tired. Also, only purchase shoes made from patent leather and rubber in the cold season. As for wearing socks, cotton ones are better than artificial fabrics. Finally, add a little baby or shoe deodorizing powder in your shoes to soak up the moisture.
#2: Cuts at the Back of Your Heels
While you might think shoes that are too tight can cut into your skin, it’s really the ones that are too big for your feet. This is for the reason that they shift around a lot. For this, tape heel pads to the back of your shoes which will prevent your feet from moving in and out of your shoes.
#3: Blisters
This usually occurs due to the friction between the shoe and your feet’s soles especially at the bottom of your feet. To fix this, line your shoe with moleskin foam which will create a cushion. Also, add a layer of cotton to absorb the friction. Make sure you do this with every shoe that you wear for the first time.