Usually, when you buy new clothing, the one thing you want to do is wear them as soon as possible. Everyone has that conversation in their heads about if they should wash their new clothes before wearing them, mainly because a few other people would have tried them on before you.
However, you also may think that since the item looks clean and has no wrinkles, it must be clean enough to wear. Although, your clothes may not have many germs from fellow wearers, your clothes will have chemicals from its manufacturing process.
This is because every yarn is dyed with fabric chemicals to make it look a particular color or print. These chemicals can have side effects like dermatitis, which causes an itchy red rash when an irritant comes into contact near the skin. You may argue that if the fibers are natural, they contain no chemicals. But this is not the case, even a 100% cotton shirt requires caustic chemicals.
These chemicals are sprayed to the fabric to finish textile and prevent mold from sprouting. Most manufacturers will spray anti-mildew agents and chemicals to help the yarn slide through weaving machinery.
Washing new clothing before wear drastically reduces chemicals and other agents. You should especially wash new clothing that is worn next to the skin and those exposed to sweat, for example, items like, socks, underwear, undershirts, athletic wear, T-shirts, shorts and summer dresses should be washed before wear.