Summary: Those that suffer from impairments or unique eye shapes shouldn’t be ruled out from wearing contact lenses. There are numerous products that can fit. You just need to check with your optometrist.
It isn’t rare for patients to have difficulty wearing contact lenses for a variety of reasons. Because everyone has a different eye shape or a certain impairment, some patients may struggle to fit into contact lenses.
These hard to fit patients, as daftly put, do have a multitude of options that can provide comfort and effectiveness. This typically requires a specialized fitting with an optometrist that is an expert that knows your condition or impairment, along with the various products that will suit your personal needs.
Dry Eye Sufferers Beware
First off, if you suffer from chronic dry eyes, you should consult with your eye doctor for treatment and relief before you think about switching to contact lenses. Once your dry eyes are treated, it is safe to try contact lenses.
Many different types of contact lenses and products such as cleaning and disinfecting solutions are designed to be more comfortable with people that suffer from dry eyes. Your optometrist may be able to recommend some of these brands and products to you. Alternatively, gas permeable or rigid gas permeable lenses are created with a specialized material that does not dry out like soft lenses and are able to hold a significant amount of moisture to prevent the eyes from drying out.
A condition that causes blurred vision due to the eyes being round, astigmatism is a condition that affects millions of people. Having this makes it difficult for more traditional contact lenses to fit and therefore requires specialized contacts such as toric lenses or rigid gas permeable lenses instead.
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